thoughtengine. Neil Patrick Harris Fan


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

14 Aug 2010 UPDATE: E! reports that they are having one boy and one girl.

19 May 2010 Fox moves a little too fast for Neil Patrick Harris. The 36-year-old star of " How I Met Your Mother" likened his guest stint on "Glee" to

15 Aug 2010 On Saturday afternoon, the "How I Met Your Mother" star confirmed via Twitter that he and partner, David Burtka, are expecting not one,

Neil Patrick Harris, Actor: How I Met Your Mother. Neil Patrick Harris was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on June 15, 1973. He grew up in Ruidoso,

Neil Patrick Harris (born June 15, 1973) is an American actor, singer, and magician. Prominent roles of his career include the title role in Doogie Howser,

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20 Jan 2011 1999-2011, Inc. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy · Go Daddy Super Bowl Commercial Danica Patrick Dale Jr. Go Daddy Girls

17 Dec 2010 Neil Patrick Harris called Eric Braeden a D-Bag after the Young and the Restless star abruptly bailed on a How I Met Your Mother appearance.

Neil Patrick Harris (ActuallyNPH) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Neil Patrick Harris (ActuallyNPH) and get their latest updates.

1 Feb 2011 Katy Perry will be guest-starring on CBS's How I Met Your Mother this coming Monday (Feb. 7), and if the newly-releaed promos for the

A look at the life of Neil Patrick Harris on

Neil Patrick Harris Gossip on The juiciest Neil Patrick Harris news, photos, and videos.

11 Dec 2010 Neil Patrick Harris is a great many things — a song-and-dance man, a comedian, a magician, even a wannabe supervillain — but did y'all know.

Neil Patrick Harris surprises many as he kicks off the Academy Awards with a song-and-dance musical opener for the 2010 Oscars held at the Kodak Theater on

14 Aug 2010 Neil Patrick Harris is expecting twins in the fall with his longtime partner David Burtka.

19 Feb 2011 The internet's premiere Neil Patrick Harris fansite. | Neil Patrick Harris Fan.

31 Jan 2011 Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka cover up their twins, Harper and Gideon, Neil Patrick Harris: I Love How My Twins Smell!

Patrick Harris is the definitive blue-sky thinker, driven by an ultimate desire By Patrick Harris Through a powerful set of home-truths, you'll discover

15 Oct 2010 The How I Met Your Mother star and partner David Burtka are dads to a newborn boy and girl.

6 Jan 2011 Just one more reason to love the man who suits up like nobody's business: Neil Patrick Harris (aka Barney Stinson).

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