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Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

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Led by Pastor Kilpatrick, a 2½-year prayer initiative for revival began in 1993, Kilpatrick shared teaching about the power and mystery of a blessing,

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Paula Kilpatrick explaining the Friends of Jesus publications to a Life What a blessing to us to see how God is answering the prayers you prayed for the

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A Blessing: A prayer or solemn wish imploring happiness upon another; The tape entitled, “The Blessing” by John Kilpatrick recorded at Evangel Temple in

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written by Bob Kilpatrick (MIDI courtesy of and I began to think that others would be blessed by it in their own prayer times, I didn't think of them as property, but as divinely inspired works of art meant to bless the church.

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Lord, Be Glorified ~ Bob Kilpatrick Midi: Janis Wilson · Lord, Here Am I ~ George Duffield, Jr & George J Webb Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Midi: A. Simms, Jr. Say prayers for your loved ones and Heaven (yes, Heaven!

12 Aug 2010 by Freddy Hayler: You're blessed to be a blessing so all the nations can know God. 1987, Bob Kilpatrick Ministries [ lyrics ] [ printed music Our cry, our prayer is to sing Your praise to the ends of the earth" 1986, Hope Publishing [ "Sing to the Lord" hymnal ] [ midi audio file

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