Slight Detour: Here's to The Troll. -- Online Book Club


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

3 May 2007 He did the math and, he wrote, “that's how I became a writer of humor.” Over the years, few writers have done it better. McManus' books

10 Mar 2009 Pat McManus wrote his last Last Laugh column for the April 2009 issue of Your books have been a welcomed gift to family and friends.

McManus has written many hundreds of humor pieces. His humor pieces have been collected in 13 books. With his sister, Patricia Gass, he wrote a

Patrick McManus, the bestselling author of such hilarious books as A Fine and "Describing Patrick F. McManus as an outdoor humorist is like saying Mark Twain wrote books Patrick F. McManus has written twelve books and two plays.

Patrick McManus, Author. This aviator and world-renowned medical researcher In the meantime, I wrote a children's book called “Kid Camping,” which was You have a great deal of freedom, and you have a great deal of security that

Declan Patrick MacManus (born 25 August 1954), known by the stage name Elvis also generated an international hit in the single "Everyday I Write the Book," aided by He has written several pieces for the magazine Vanity Fair ,

19 Sep 2006 I read in the paper this morning that my friend Pat had died. English class with Patrick F. McManus' first book A Fine and Pleasant Misery. Well, The Troll wrote a cookbook, published back in 1989, and I got to

Pat has several books as well to include my favorite,... I wrote the previous letter to the Mcmanus camp two months ago. I have yet to hear personally

17 May 2007 Well, if you like the outdoors, you would probably get a real kick out of the books written by Patrick McManus. He wrote a column for Field

Question: >Almost all L'amour's books have a strong "outdoor" theme. I'm still hoping he wrote a sequal that his heirs can publish. if you like outdoor humor, Pat McManus is great!!!!! > I have had a hard time locating books

Pat has several books as well to include my favorite,... I wrote the previous letter to the Mcmanus camp two months ago. I have yet to hear personally

28 Jan 2009 Patrick McManus? John Gierach? Tom Stienstra? Craig Medred? Jimmy Carters book was good from an historical perspective. from cjmurdoch wrote 2 years 2 weeks ago. I have been reading McManus for years now and I

This was my first reading of Patrick McManus and now I just have to read more of Written as only Patrick McManuss can write. Very funny. Of the many books I have borrowed from my dad, this was one that I have read repeatedly.

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Pat McManus was waiting for me in a corner booth when I entered the Ponderosa Steak House He has sold millions of copies of his books, and he has been on the New York Times “I told Darlene I had students who wrote for Playboy.”

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