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Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

1954 - Born on August 25th in London, England. A British singer-songwriter who extended the musical and lyrical range of the punk and new-wave

However to make his point clear, Elvis was credited on the album as "Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus" having recently officially changed his name back and

A: Declan Patrick Mc Manus is also known as famed singer/songwriter/producer Elvis Costello. He was born August 25, 1954 in London, England.

13 Mar 2006 Elvis Costello (Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus) Eminem (Marshall Mathers III) Engelbert Humperdinck (Arnold Dorsey)

Dark music from Declan Patrick Aloysius Macmanus. Posted by James Poole at 5:05 am James Poole, recommendations Add comments. Oct 122010

, , - 2008 - Sports & Recreation - 296 pagesFretting while the Scarlet Tide Make History Elvis Costello Born Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus, singer-songwriter Elvis Costello recalls the machinations

Born Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus, British singer, guitar-ist, and composer Elvis Costello has been a mainstay of the popular music scene since his 1977

Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus. Profile: Born: August 25, 1954, Liverpool, England Married to singer Diana Krall. Sites:

Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus's biography. View biography of Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus with birthdate, birthplace, birthname and height at famous


Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus.

11 Dec 2010 Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus (born 25 August 1954) is an English musician, singer, and songwriter, primarily known by his stage-name

1 Jul 2010 Elvis Costello (Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus). Eminem (Marshall Mathers III). Eric Morecambe (John Eric Bartholemew)

Legally changed name to Elvis Costello in 1977, then to Declan Patrick Aloysius MacManus in 1986. Post-1986, he used both names for professional purposes,

1 Jul 2010 Elvis Costello (Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus). Eminem (Marshall Mathers III). Eric Morecambe (John Eric Bartholemew)

Original name, Declan Patrick McManus (some sources spell the surname 1977, then to Declan Patrick Aloysius McManus, 1986; born August 24, 1954,

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