Dr. P. (Patrick) Fonti. List of participants


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Patrick Fonti - Dendrochronology expertise of Switzerland scientific team; Some selected papers (by the presentors) - Patrick Fonti's (ZIP file (WinRAR

Dr. P. (Patrick) Fonti. Professional backgroud. Degree in Forestry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (1992-1997); Dr. Phil. Nat. (PhD), ETH Zürich, Switzerland

7 Feb 2011 Patrick Fonti, February 13, 2011. Thank you, Aaron, for your service to our With sympathy for the Swanson family. Regards, Patrick Fonti

Dr. P. (Patrick) Fonti. Professional backgroud. Degree in Forestry, ETH Zürich, Switzerland (1992-1997); Dr. Phil. Nat. (PhD), ETH Zürich, Switzerland

28 Apr 2010 Patrick Fonti Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Dendro Sciences Research Unit, Subunit Palaeo Ecology, Zürcherstrasse 111,

17 Sep 2009 Author(s): Patrick Fonti. Original article: Fonti, P. (2007): Steckt in Jahrringen ein phänologischer Kalender vergangener Zeiten?

Patrick FONTI. WSL, Switzerland patrick.fonti@wsl.ch. Thomas FRANK. University of Cologne, Institute of Prehistoric Archeology,

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