Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
Patrick's Point. 7.50. Native. Festuca rubra molate. Red Fescue. 7.50. Native. Festuca Siskiyou Blue Photo. 7.50. Filipendula ulmaria variegata Photo
Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point' Covers well as a groundcover in small areas. Using festuca as a lawn replacement will require less watering than sod however
Established as a state park in 1929, Patrick's Point State Park is a tree-and meadow-covered Red Fescue (Poales Gramineae (Poaceae) Festuca rubra)
Microsoft Excel - 1 Dec 2010 69, Festuca 'Patrick's Point', 4 Inch, $2.50, 100. 70, Festuca rubra 'Point Molate', Plug Tray, 128 ct, $29.00, 162
Festuca rubra 'Molate' Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point'. Related species: ... Synonyms: Festuca rubra ssp. arenicola. Festuca rubra ssp. densiuscula .
A handsome selection from Patrick's Point on the California coast, this creeping fescue bears very fine gray-green leaves in tight, rhizomatous clumps 8 to
Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point'. Tree of Life Nursery Photos | Profile. ©2010 Google Terms - Download Picasa - Launch Picasa - Privacy Policy - Developer
10 Feb 2010 Species Name: Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point' Common Name: Patrick's Point creeping red fescue. This is a blue-green form of creeping red
14 Jan 2011 Festuca californica. 836. 98. 1 Gal. Festuca rubra 'molate'. 0. FT. Festuca rubra 'molate'. 6. 1 Gal. Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point'
Plant name, Festuca rubra 'Patrick's Point'. Common, Creeping Red Fescue. Size ( H x W), 3 x 3. Growth Season, Cool. Flower, Spring

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