Sen. Patrick “Leaky” Leahy to Investigate Top Secret Interrogations. Why is Patrick Leahy nicknamed leaky Leahy? - Yahoo! Answers


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

7 Apr 2010 SPAKOVSKY: 'Leaky Leahy' seeks sensitive info - again. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. , photographs the scene and dignitaries as they arrive for

7 Apr 2010 Ah, who am I kidding … we are dealing with PatrickLeaky” Leahy here. To wit: “ At the time of Professor Liu's twice-rescheduled hearing,

27 Apr 2009 “LeakyLeahy's experience in handling top security information: Senator Patrick Leahy was annoyed with the Reagan administration's military


23 Jan 2007 Pat Leahy: Canary in a Data Mine. By Marc Sheppard Then, in 1986, Leahy threatened to leak secret information about a covert operation

21 Aug 2007 Patrick "Leaky" Leahy As The Caped Crusader? Yes, that's apparently the premise of a parody by the WaPo's Dana Milbank.

17 May 2010 Len Britton Fires Opening Shot at Leaky Leahy even including the unseating of the ostentatiously evil Senator Pat "Leaky" Leahy.

Here we go again. Obama and his cohorts in the Senate are hell bent on accomplishing the destruction of our civil society before the 2010 elections and are

27 Apr 2009 “LeakyLeahy's experience in handling top security information: Senator Patrick Leahy was annoyed with the Reagan administration's military

29 Nov 2001 he Republicans have come up with a brilliant charge against Senator Depends - that is, Patrick "Leaky" Leahy, Democrat of Vermont.

21 Jul 2008 Why is Patrick Leahy nicknamed leaky Leahy? Why is Patrick Leahy nicknamed leaky Leahy? 3 years ago; (Tiebreaker); Report Abuse

17 May 2010 Len Britton Fires Opening Shot at Leaky Leahy even including the unseating of the ostentatiously evil Senator Pat "Leaky" Leahy.

Patrick Leahy was born in March 1940 in Montpelier, Vermont. Intelligence Committee after leaking classified information about the Iran-Contra affair.

17 Jan 2008 Leaky Leahy Will Support Obama. Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, In a 1985 television appearance Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt)

2 Aug 2010 Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence More recently Leaky Leahy the Liar sought even more classified intel:

7 Apr 2010 Patrick J. Leahy, Vermont Democrat, is seeking covert In fact, he has earned the sobriquet "Leaky Leahy" in the intelligence community.

26 Apr 2009 Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy last Wednesday warned Senate Republicans that if they do not back an independent commission to

21 Jul 2008 Why is Patrick Leahy nicknamed leaky Leahy? Why is Patrick Leahy nicknamed leaky Leahy? 3 years ago; (Tiebreaker); Report Abuse

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