Sir Patrick Graham b. Abt 1340 of, Kincardine, Angusshire . Ancestors and/or relations of Sir Patrick GRAHAM Laird of Kincardine


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Patrick Graham of Kilpont, son of Sir Patrick Graham of Kincardine and Euphemia Stewart of Ralston , was born on 10 Nov 1382 in Kincardine, Montrose, Angus,

29 Aug 2008 Sir Patrick Graham of Kincardine, elder brother of Sir John Graham, and ancestor of the family of Montrose. Last Modified 18 Mar 2001Created

29 Jun 2007 Some ancestors and relations of the Casimir, Holmes, Hely, O'Donnell, Newick, Bohlsen, Crase and Moyle families of Australia.

6 Nov 2009 Sir Patrick Graham b. Abt 1340 of, Kincardine, Angusshire, Scotland d. 1400.

Land and power just kept coming, in 1451 the Grahams acquired the lands of Old Montrose in Angus and in 1451 Patrick Graham of Kincardine was promoted to

He was succeeded by his grandson, Patrick Graham of Kincardine, who, after acting as one of the Lords of the Regency following the assassination of James I .

Sir Patrick de Graham, of Kincardine, succeeded his father and was sent to negotiate the marriage of Prince Alexander with Margaret, daughter of Guy,

7 Jan 2010 Patrick [Graham], 1st Lord Graham. 1st son and heir of Alexander Graham, yr. of Kincardine, 1st son and heir ap. of Sir William Graham of

- 1832 - HistoryMarqtiess of Montrose, Marquess of Graham and Buchanan, Karl of . in 1310; and Sir David's son, Sir Patrick Graham, lord of Dundaff and Kincardine,

The Clan Graham also fought at the Battle of Dunbar in 1296 where Sir Patrick Graham of Kincardine was the only man of all the Scots not to retreat and

11 Jul 2009 Patrick Graham b. Abt 1422 of, Kincardine, Angus, Scotland d. 1466 : Our Family Histories.

26 Aug 2006 He was succeeded by his grandson, Patrick Graham of Kincardine [http://www.]

15 Aug 1999 Sir Patrick Graham of Kincardine, Lord of Dundaff; married (1) Matilda; married (2) about 1384 to Euphemia/Egidia, daughter of Sir John

- 2001 - Reference - 1484 pages1270, and was s. by his eldest son, SIR PATRICK GRAHAM, of Kincardine, Kt., who was sent to negotiate the marriage of PRINCE ALEXANDER, son of ALEXANDER III

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