Saint Patrick's Day Parades and Celebrations - Southeastern United . Charlotte's belated St. Patrick's parade | CLT Blog


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

The 2010 St. Patrick's Day Parade and Charlotte Goes Green Festival invites our sponsors, our vendors, and you to participate in the Eleventh Annual St.

Event Description - Charlotte Chapter ~ St. Patrick's Day Parade and Party. It's a day's worth of green ! Come join Charlotte area alumni to celebrate the

21 Mar 2009 Scheduled for Saturday, March 14, (now rescheduled to March 21 due to forcast rain) Charlotte's 13th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and the

Due to bad weather, Charlotte's St. Patrick's Day parade & Charlotte Goes Green street festival were postponed a week and took place uptown yesterday.

27 Feb 2010 Charlotte, NC: Over 50000 spectators watched Charlotte's Thirteenth Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade as it marched through the heart of

14 Mar 2010 Learn more about Charlotte, NC, _North_Carolina St. Patrick did manage to convert thousands of Irish

The Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and Charlotte Goes Green Festival offers fun for all ages. The parade steps off at 11 A.M. at Tryon and 9th street in

Charlotte's St. Patrick's Day parade. Charlotte's St. Patrick's Day parade. WCNC .com. Posted on March 14, 2010 at 9:00 AM. Updated Wednesday, Mar 17 at 8:08

19 Mar 2010 2011 Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade Information: Get event details, driving directions and more. The 2011 Charlotte St. Patrick's Day

Mar 19 15th Annual Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade. It's that time of year again! Get out your green hats, beads and face paint and head uptown as

2011 Charlotte St Patrick's Day parade route, parties, events, bars, activities, things to do & irish pubs for 2011 St Patrick's Day in Charlotte, NC.

15th Annual Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade Information: Get event details, driving directions and more. The 15th Annual Charlotte St. Patrick's Day

Due to bad weather, Charlotte's St. Patrick's Day parade & Charlotte Goes Green street festival were postponed a week and took place uptown yesterday.

11 Mar 2009 Don't forget this Saturday March 14th the Charlotte Goes Green and the St Patrick's Day parade. Weather wise the forecast is for good Irish

Upcoming Charlotte Events: get information about 2011 Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade, including maps and driving directions.

Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade & Charlotte Goes Green Festival: Events in Charlotte.

Welcome to a Facebook Page about Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade. Join Facebook to start connecting with Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Detail: The 15th Annual Charlotte St. Patrick's Day Parade will take place on Saturday, March 19, 2011 in Uptown Charlotte. The parade will step off at

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