Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
19 Feb 2011 Some erk in the New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, recently said with a gush: “We are all Egyptians now!” That is false and repulsive.
W. PATRICK LANG, JR. | FEBRUARY 15, 2007 As Pogo, the cartoon opossum, once famously said, We have met the enemy and he is us! Yes, thats right: We,
A military expert, retired Army Col. W. Patrick Lang, also testified for the defense. Lang said the larger Al-Haramain organization was likely under tight.
7 Jan 2009 W. Patrick Lang, who formerly supervised HUMINT operations worldwide for The Obama transition team said Kappes would be invited to stay.
6 Dec 2010 W. Patrick Lang responded to The Timing and Impact of Ending "Don't Ask, before making a final decision, senior military officials said.
Patrick Lang, a former head of Middle Eastern affairs in the Defense is coming out of O.S.D. [the Office of the Secretary of Defense]," Mr. Lang said. The C.I.A. was terribly damaged when William Casey, its director in the
1 Jan 2009 Pat Lang is a dear friend and a brilliant scholar. He established the Arabic program at West Point, he headed up the Defense Intelligence “Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said the current, aerial phase of the
3 May 2005 W. Patrick Lang, a former Defense Intelligence Agency expert on the Middle East, said the existence of the Iraqi version is not surprising.
20 Jun 2006 David Kay; Richard J. Kerr; W. Patrick Lang; John McLaughlin You have said that Tenet didn't really want to [put together the NIE].
24 Sep 2007 He said that the nature of Palestine/Israel should be determined by Posted by: W. Patrick Lang | 25 September 2007 at 12:23 PM
Patrick Lang was a participant or observer in the following events: As one analyst said to me, 'You can't fight something with nothing,
4 Jun 2004 This became the excuse or the reason why the West had to try to act Patrick Lang: I think Chalabi is as I said before an émigré
18 Dec 2006 W. Patrick Lang is a retired Army colonel who served with Special in November against the war, said he can “go along” with a surge,
20 Dec 2006 I said it. You can use any adjective you want, George. W. Patrick Lang is a retired Army colonel who served with Special Forces in
14 Feb 2011 Also, a discussion with Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of Modern Arab Retired Colonel Patrick Lang has known and worked with Omar

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