Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
5 Mar 2010 There are plenty of things to do in CT on March 17 and before. with the 6th annual St. Patrick's Day Parade in Mystic on Sunday.
The Mystic Irish Parade Foundation has been awarded a 2010 Golden Pineapple Award who deserve special recognition for furthering the Connecticut tourism
St.Paddy's Day Parade in Mystic,CT submitted by Mallory101 5069770.
14 Jan 2011 New Haven's annual St. Patrick's Day parade will be broadcast live on Fox CT on March 13. The parade is the largest single-day spectator
2011 Greater Hartford St. Patrick's Day ,Greenwich Saint Patrick's Parade ,New Haven's Saint Patrick's Day Parade and Mystic Saint Patrick's Day Parade.
8 Mar 2010 The one day it is accepted to dress like a leprechaun, drink green beer, and pretend like you're Irish is upon us. Yes, I mean St. Patrick's
21 Jan 2011 CT Central Network: Select a site, New Haven Register Serving New Haven, CT New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade fundraisers
Children toss candy from a float, Sun., march 21, 2010, During the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Milford. Photo: Phil Noel / Connecticut Post | Buy This Photo
12 Mar 2010 The 39th Annual Hartford , Connecticut St. Patrick's Day Parade, which will be held rain or shine on Saturday, March 13, 2010,
The 40th Annual Greater Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade. The Parade will be Saturday, March 12th at 11:00 a.m. Come down to the parade route early and get
The St. Patrick's Day Parade tradition was born in New Haven on March 17, It is the largest, single-day spectator event in the State of Connecticut.
7 Mar 2008 Hartford, CT: rWe have collected a number of Saint Patrick festivities across the state of Connecticut. They include local Connecticut
The revival of the St. Patrick's Day parade in New Haven is a fantastic story. The parade was organized in 1842 as the captivating centerpiece of the city's
12 Mar 2010 Heavy Rain Postpones St. Patrick's Day Parade Budget Woes Give Many Educators Anxiety · Holiday Travel Warning To Milford Ct. Residents!

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