Blue Dog Dems Rake in Health Care Contributions, Protest Exclusion . Patrick Murphy - OpenCongress Wiki


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

12 May 2009 The average contribution to a Blue Dog Democrat in the 2008 election cycle was slightly Health Sector Campaign Contributions to Blue Dog Democrats in 2008 Patrick Murphy, ($239371). Average Democrat, ($116748)

$15000, 2008-01-29, FECA, Democractic Senatorial Campaign Committee $5000, 2008-05-22, FECA, Patrick Murphy for Congress, ARDA ROC PAC, Rep.

Beneficiaries: Patrick Murphy, Allen Boyd, Ciro Rodriguez, John Salazar, Patrick J. Murphy. Bio. Select cycle and data to include: 2010, 2008, Career

Patrick Murphy donations and other campaign contributions on Huffington Post.

To see what we're up to for the 2007-2008 cycle, please visit the Blue Majority page. Paul Hodes' campaign fits the "Northeast Strategy" to a T. An aggressive former prosecutor This election has ended. Image of Patrick Murphy

16 Feb 2011 1740 E WILLOW GROVE AVE 19038 donations and other campaign 12 Sep 2008 Patrick Murphy is an Executive Managing Director at CB Richard

(Bristol, PA) – Patrick Murphy's campaign has rolled out its third TV ad highlighting Mike 8th Congressional District: Patrick Murphy (10/30/2008)

In 2008, he was not only one of the first members of Congress to support then Senator Obama; he was the first to actually campaign for him. Murphy opposed

Leader Paul McKinley · Donations to House Speaker Pat J. Murphy 22051 230TH, HUBBARD, IA 50122 · RANTS FOR STATE HOUSE, Oct 24, 2008, $70000 limits on political contributions, see how other states regulate campaign giving.

2007 / 2008Contributions Part 5: Abraham C. Esq. Reich (Fox, Rothschild/Attorney ), (Zip code: 19130) $1200 to PATRICK MURPHY FOR CONGRESS on 06/19/08

14 Oct 2010 Top Contributors to during the 2008 Election Cycle Resources. Patrick Murphy for Congress, official campaign site.

1 Aug 2010 Oh, remember the PMA Group, Murphy's #2 contributor in 2008 with $30750 We have heard the tag line that the campaign contributions were

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