EB Wiki :: Artist:Nagel, Patrick. Patrick Nagel Serigraph Ship Mirage Editions


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Patrick Nagel was born in Dayton, Ohio, but was brought up in the Los Angeles area, where he spent most of his life. He studied art at Chouinard Art

However, he was raised and spent most of his life in the Los Angeles area. releases their first limited edition serigraph poster: Nagel's Mirage Ship.

Patrick Nagel was born in Dayton, Ohio, but was brought up in the Los serigraph for Dynasty's Joan Collins, whom Nagel felt had the look of his "women However, he was raised and spent most of his life in the Los Angeles area.

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Patrick Nagel was born in Dayton, Ohio, but was brought up in the Los serigraph for Dynasty's Joan Collins, whom Nagel felt had the look of his "women However, he was raised and spent most of his life in the Los Angeles area.

Patrick Nagel. Bookseller: John Howell for Books (Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.) This is the slip-cased edition, with a limited edition serigraph laid in.

A short history of Patrick Nagel by Todd Bingham. always have time to stop and chat with the warehouse employees who were packing and shipping his work. high quality serigraphs ( the latter work was printed by Samper Silkscreen in Los Angeles, the earlier "lifetime" posters -- see below-- were printed by

2 Mar 2010 Patrick Nagel Serigraph Ship Los Angelos the Los Angeles area. releases their first limited edition serigraph poster: Nagel's Mirage Ship .

2 Mar 2010 Patrick Nagel Serigraph Ship Los Angelos the Los Angeles area. releases their first limited edition serigraph poster: Nagel's Mirage Ship .

12 Oct 2010 Born in 1945, this Los Angeles-based artist made his bones with an The marriage of Patrick Nagel's style and 1980′s New Wave music

16 Dec 2010 nagel gmbh. kuehne nagel los angeles. nagel beverage nampa. kimberly nagel tinora. nagel candle holders. patrick nagel iron on clothing

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