Major-General Patrick Cammaert named new UN Military Advisor. Radhika Coomaraswamy sending Maj.General. Patrick Cammaert to Sri


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

Generaal-majoor der Mariniers (bd) Patrick C. Cammaert kwam in 1968 in dienst bij het Korps Mariniers en diende in diverse functies in binnen- en buitenland

11 Dec 2008 Major General Patrick Cammaert Explains Why the Military Approach is Not the Solution in the Congo. posted by Blog Scholar @ 11:09 PM 0

16 nov 2008 'Vrede brengen zonder het zwaard is gedoemd te mislukken', luidt de stelling van Patrick Cammaert, generaal-majoor der mariniers b.d. Geen

1 Nov 2009 I am more concerned about the official you are sending to Sri Lanka, Major General Patrick Cammaert, who was UN's Military Advisor to the

13 May 2009 Patrick Cammaert reviews blue helmets: "shameful" (Bosco not shown). Jan Egeland , former UN Humanitarian Coordinator and now with the

<a href="" title="Force Commander Major-General Patrick Cammaert by adamroam, on Flickr"><img

18 Oct 2002 Secretary-General Kofi Annan today announced the appointment of Major General Patrick Cammaert of the Netherlands as the new Military

Patrick Cammaert on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and more,

18 Oct 2002 Secretary-General Kofi Annan today announced the appointment of Major General Patrick Cammaert of the Netherlands as the new Military

Major General Patrick Cammaert (born April 11, 1950, Alkmaar) is a Dutch military commander who is currently serving as the United Nations Force Commander

20 Feb 2010 Patrick Cammaert, Special Envoy of the Special Representative for Children & Armed Conflict, to Sri Lanka, 05-11 December 2009

1 Jul 2010 Patrick Cammaert - Major General (ret) Patrick Cammaert has a distinguished military career in both The Netherlands with the Royal

Major-General Patrick C. Cammaert joined the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps in 1968. At the start of his career he served in the Marine Corps and the Navy,

Présentation réalisée par le Major Général (ret.) Patrick Cammaert. Ancien Commandant de division de la MONUC et ancien Conseiller militaire au DOMP

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