Patrick Labyorteaux Pics - Patrick Labyorteaux Photo Gallery . Al Pike


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011

19 Apr 2009 How do they film Bud having no leg? Is Patrick Labyorteaux missing TPTB did not like her as Meg Austin and after the show went from NBC to The way they film the loss of his leg for the show is by Patrick wearing

24 Sep 2002 The character Bud lost his leg. The actor, Patrick Labyorteaux did not. Any scenes that show him legless are good filmmaking / special

Patrick Labyorteaux news, photos of Patrick Labyorteaux, biography, Patrick Labyorteaux Near the end of the series Labyorteaux`s character lost his leg,

CBS's "JAG" - Patrick Labyorteaux & Karri Turner Instead, he did his tour of duty in the medical service. This is a moving story about an Olympic high jumper who loses his leg in a farm accident and, nonetheless,

20 Mar 2009 On the tv series Bud stepped on a land mine and lost part of a leg. It looks so real ! Did Patrick Labyorteaux really lose his leg ?

22 pics of Patrick Labyorteaux. Recent pics. View the latest Patrick Labyorteaux Near the end of the series Labyorteaux`s character lost his leg,

did Patrick Labyorteaux (Bud in JAG)lose his leg in real life? No, that was just on the show. He was on other shows and he had a leg.

Bud lost the lower half of his right leg in Afganistan in the last episode from JAG have appeared on NCIS: Patrick Labyorteaux reprised his role of Bud

15 May 2004 Lt Roberts lost a limb, not his mental capacity or ability to do his job, Is his missing leg, just part of the program, or has Patrick Labyorteaux, Does anyone know if Patrick Labyorteaux is really an amputee?

Near the end of the series Labyorteaux's character lost his leg, “I'm happy to report Patrick Labyorteaux has not suffered any injury regarding his leg.

Q: In real life, did the person that played Lt. Bud Roberts on JAG lose his leg? A: No. Near the end of the series Patrick Labyorteaux's character lost his

Little House on the Prairie: Patrick Labyorteaux, cuba gooding jr, / Hi Glenda! To the best of my knowledge, Patrick is healthy with both of... click for

My heart broke as Harriet's did. Truely a very special episode. inquire as to whether the actor, Patrick Labyorteaux lost one of his own legs as well.

Did patrick labyorteaux lose his leg? Did Patrick Labyorteaux lose his leg or not? Did Patrick Labyorteaux lose his leg on JAG? How did bud on jag really

Did Patrick Labyorteaux really lose his leg? Hi Glenda! To the best of my knowledge, Patrick is healthy with both of his legs. If you notice the shots of

26 Apr 2010 Did Patrick Layorteaux of the TV series Jag actually lose his leg? ChaCha Answer : Patrick Labyorteaux has not suffered any injury reg...

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