Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 20/02/2011
In response to George Vaccaro's horrifying encounters with the Verizon billing department over the difference between dollars and cents (and other basic
14 Jan 2007 lets see here .002 + (e ^ (i*pi)) + SUM( 1 / (2^n) ) as n -> infinite what now indeed bitches (verizon)
14 Aug 2009 Nothing new, but still funny as hell. And clever. Both in insane quantity.
Checkmate, Randall Patrick Munroe. January 3, 2007 in News. And I never believed my Grade 12 math teacher that calculus would be useful later on in life.
Randall Patrick Munroe (born October 17, 1984) is an American webcomic author and former NASA roboticist as well as a programmer, best known as the creator
Randall Patrick Munroe (born October 17, 1984) is an American webcomic author and former NASA roboticist as well as a programmer, best known as the creator
10 Aug 2010 Reason No. 1 why Randall Patrick Munroe is the balls: | ZUG | The #1 site for pranks, stunts, and comedy experiments.
10 Jun 2008 But I'm betting Randall Patrick Munroe had something to do with it. **Okay. Randall Patrick Munroe is not the original customer.
Patrick Munroe Verizon Check Answer. Randall Patrick Monroe.
16 Oct 2007 Verizon What Now Randall Patrick Munroe · Click for bigger · Bookmark and Share. posted by luapo @ 7:38 PM Link this Article Link VIA
14 Jan 2007 lets see here .002 + (e ^ (i*pi)) + SUM( 1 / (2^n) ) as n -> infinite what now indeed bitches (verizon)

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